January 2020 Monthly Meal Plan On A Budget (Family of 5)

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.





Welcome to my January 2020 family meal plan on a budget! If you are new here we are a family of 5 which includes me and my husband along with our 3 kids (2 boys & 1 girl ages 10, 8 & almost 5).

We live in California which means groceries can get pretty pricey here if you aren’t intentional about what you are buying.

I typically budget about $800 a month for groceries which also includes household items like cleaning supplies and laundry detergent as well as toiletry items like toilet paper and shampoo.

Basically the entire $800 isn’t just food.

Why do I do this?

I have noticed that when I am buying food I am usually buying other things alongside it. There are times when I shop for food and only need food but there are also many times when I shop for food and also need other things like toilet paper. It just makes sense.

I no longer have to spend time analyzing every receipt trying to figure out how much I spent on food versus household. I just know that I have $800 a month for everything and I need to make that work. (bonus tip: A great way I earn money back every week is by scanning my grocery receipts. I use both Ibotta and Fetch Rewards and consistently earn $100 every two months or so. I have a full review on Fetch Rewards here with all the info on how it works.)

There are months that I don’t end up using all of our grocery budget which means I save back what I don’t use for stocking up.

I highly advise having a small stockpile of items you use on a regular basis so that you don’t run out of your necessities. Having a stocked pantry is just as important too. By getting these items when they are at rock-bottom prices it will eliminate having to overspend on things you absolutely need.



Check out my LATEST meal plans here: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4



In a hurry? Here is the quick & dirty version along with all the links to any recipes.

I meticulously kept track of every single dinner this month so that way I could share with you a realistic approach to meal planning.

Out of 31 days, I cooked 27 of them! I decided to share below our favorites from the month. These meals are not only easy and affordable they are delicious too.

I hope you and your family enjoy these just as much as we did!





Our Favorite Meals From This Month






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6 thoughts on “January 2020 Monthly Meal Plan On A Budget (Family of 5)

  1. Hello!
    I’m so excited to try out fetch rewards! I’ve always struggled to stay on board with money back apps because it is so specific & circumstantial so thank you for this recommendation!
    Since you were so kind to refer me, I was wondering what your referral code was so you could get credit for the referral.
    And if you have a top 5 or top 10 list of cash back apps that are your favorites from trying so many over the years (I have no idea how many are out there) I would really appreciate it.

    Take care & thank you again!

  2. Hi hun!
    Thank you so much for putting this together. I just stumbled across it and man am I glad I did! So far my family and I have tried the Philly cheesesteaks sloppy joe, chicken in a biscuit and the Italian beef and rice skillet. We are all fans my dear!!! They are quick! Easy! Best yet affordable! So again thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Looking forward to next months ideas!

    1. Oh yay! I am so glad you are enjoying them. The Philly cheesesteaks sloppy joes are my husband & I’s absolute favorite. So good.

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